A Conflict of Interest: 'Fraud and the Collapse of Titans артикул 1964e.
A Conflict of Interest: 'Fraud and the Collapse of Titans артикул 1964e.

This book is about exploring the rules of business beyond the 21st century and how these are bent and often broken, with devastating effect by individuals who have altered the traditional profile of fraud and the fraudster forever It is a compilation of papers, theories and Congressional Testimony the story behind the stories This book describes озчйу the super ego, corruption at head of state and ministerial level in the governments of over 72 countries The book speaks of Bank of Credit Commerce and Industry (BCCI), the bank that laundered the funds of Noriega, the Cali and Medellin Cartels and which was linked to international terrorism, prostitution and funding death squads Most of all it is about the most complicated, sophisticated and devastating financial crimes in modern history It speaks of Barings Bank and the collapse of one of the world s oldest and most respected banks at the hands of a small fry crook that realised almost per chance his masters had left him with the keys to both the front and back door The Enron collapse describes a frenzy of greed and denial It bears testimony and stands as epitaph to the annihilation of millions of ordinary peoples dreams.  ИСТургеневISBN 0595653227.